Monday, November 12, 2007

How to Pray

Prayer can be as simple as talking to God. He hears every cry of the heart, even the unspoken ones.
When Jesus' disciples asked him to tell them how to pray, he gave them the Lord's Paryeras the example. When we take it line by line, and examine it, we get an idea of how to model the prayers we speak to God.
Our Father, who art in heaven.... This invites us to see our God as a Father. He gave us life and He sustains us in this life. In the beginning we acknowlege who God is for us. Thank you, Lord!
Hallowed be your name.... May your name be held holy. He deserves our respect, our honor, our obedience and our love. God calls to us; we need to respond to Him. Praise Him!
Thy Kingdom come, Thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven.... Surrender to the Father's plan would bring a heaven on earth. I remember when I gave my life to the Lord, I knew somehow that I needed to surrender to His will for my life.
Give us this day our daily bread.... He knows we need things (food, shelter, clothing, etc) to live in this world. Don't hesitate to ask. If it should come, it will. Don't ask for a storehouse full. It will be sufficient for the day.
And forgive us our trespasses.... Forgive us our sins, our stumbles, our offenses against God and people, and our faults and failings.
As we forgive those who trespass against us.... Let it all go, the grumbles, little grudges, little frustrations brought on by other people and life's situations. Is it really so important as to ruin our eternity?
And lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil.... Keep that old slewfoot away from us. Let us recognize when he is trying to trip us up and reject him in the Name of Jesus!

The Rosary is a wonderful way to pray. It never fails to bring peace. The Blessed Mother is our closest ally in this life. She really cares for us and is a vip in heaven! It pays to have friends in high places.

The Divine Mercy Chaplet has been given to St. Faustina as a means of bringing Divine Mercy into the world. If said in the presence of the dying, mercy for that person's sould is guaranteed. That's powerful stuff! Jesus said this goes for the worst sinner. Have you ever wished you could be baptized again so that all your sins would be remissed (washed away)? Well, the Divine Mercy Novena begins on Good Friday and ends on the night before Easter. If said daily and if we go to confession within one week of Easter Vigil our sins will be washed away like a new baptism. I really suggest reading the Diary of Sr. Faustina (Diary of a Soul). It's so inspiring to hear how much the Lord years after us and wants to give us His mercy.

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